Codes of Behaviour
Old Canberrans Hockey Clubs Codes of Behaviour (issued by the Australian Sports Commission and adopted by OCHC)
These codes of Behaviour should be read in conjunction with the HACT by Laws
OCHC encourages all players and spectators to visit the Play by the rules website
1. Learn the rules of hockey and play by them. Never argue with an umpire or official. If you have a problem, have your captain approach the official during a break or after the competition.
2. Control your temper. Verbal abuse, sledging or deliberate physical interference and aggression towards opponents are not acceptable behaviours.
3. Work equally hard for yourself and for your team. The team’s performance will benefit as will you.
4. Be a good sport. Applaud all good plays whether they are made by your team or the opposition.
5. Participate for your own enjoyment and benefit, not just to please parents or coaches.
6. Respect the rights, dignity and worth of all participants regardless of their gender, ability, cultural background or religion.
7. Accept that the club is “bigger” than the individual. Any problems regarding senior selections or playing should be referred in the first instance to your coach. If the matter is not satisfactorily addressed it should be brought to the attention of the committee. Any problems regarding junior selections or playing should be referred in the first instance to the coach, or subsequently to the coach of the senior team in the players age group. If the matter is still unsatisfactorily addressed it should be brought to the attention of the Committee.
8. Co-operate with the coach, team-mates and team managers. 100% attendance is required at both training and games. It is your responsibility to inform the coach or team manager if you are unavailable. Remember, attendance at training may be a prerequisite for team selection.
9. You are encouraged to support your Club by watching other Club teams and participating in club activities.
10. Payment of all fees and other costs shall be made as early as is practicable. Players who remain non-financial may be excluded from team selections.
11. Disciplinary action will be considered when a breach of this code occurs. An official report of a player participating in junior matches will result in an automatic minimum two week suspension from playing (depending on magnitude of misconduct) unless a very strong case can be made to counter the charge. Other penalties may also apply depending upon the circumstances.
Coaches of Senior Teams
1. Be reasonable in your demands on players’ time, energy and enthusiasm.
2. Operate within the rules and spirit of the game and teach your players to do the same.
3. Develop team respect for the ability of opponents as well as for the judgment of officials and opposing coaches.
4. Display control, respect and professionalism to all involved in the sport. Never use abusive language when addressing players, opposition coaches, umpires or spectators. Encourage your players to do the same.
5. Respect the rights, dignity and worth of every player regardless of their gender, ability, cultural background or religion.
Coaches of Junior Teams
In addition to the 5 points outline for senior coaches, coaches of junior players should consider the following.
1. Remember that junior players participate for pleasure and winning is only part of the fun.
2. Never ridicule or yell at a junior player for making a mistake or not coming first.
3. Ensure that the time junior players spend with you is a positive experience.
4. All junior players are deserving of equal attention and opportunities (see Player Interchange policy).
5. Avoid overplaying the talented players; the just average need and deserve equal time.
6. Ensure that the hockey equipment and facilities meet safety standards and are appropriate to the age and ability of all junior players.
7. Show concern and caution toward sick and injured players. Follow the advice of a physician when determining whether an injured player is ready to recommence training or competition.
8. Any physical contact with a junior player should be appropriate to the situation and necessary for the player’s skill development.
Specific Junior Coaching Conduct Advice
1. Coaches and team managers are not expected to speak directly to umpires over umpiring matters, (clearly the TM must speak with umpires re: signing match cards), before during or after the game. Any communication between team officials and umpires over umpiring matters should be via the team captain. This of course, should be done with due respect. This rule is designed to protect team officials from being accused of intimidating or abusing umpires.
2. Poor umpiring performance, or misbehaviour of opposition team officials, players or spectators is expected to be dealt with by an officially written complaint sent to the Chairperson or Secretary of the Junior section as soon as possible after the game. These club officials will contact the appropriate people in the Hockey association to see that it is acted upon. Please remember most umpires in juniors are inexperienced and learning as they go.
1. Encourage the players to abide by the rules of hockey and their code of conduct.
2. Never use abusive language when addressing players, opposition coaches, umpires or spectators.
3. Allow the coach to have the full attention of the players and resist yelling contrary instructions from the side-lines.
4. Support the club’s responsibilities and obligations. Assist the coach and club officials wherever possible.
5. Always be a good sport. Respect the ability of the opposing team.
6. Understand that all players are participating in hockey for THEIR enjoyment.
7. Respect the rights, dignity and worth of every player regardless of their gender, ability, cultural background or religion.
In addition to the 7 points noted for spectators, parents should also consider the following.
1. Help your child work towards skills improvement, good sportsmanship and honest effort. Never ridicule or scold your child (or others) for making mistakes.
2. Always uphold the rules and respect the umpire’s decisions.
3. Always be supportive and positive of your child’s involvement.
4. Focus on your child’s efforts and performance rather than winning or losing
5. Remember that your child learns best by example. Appreciate good performances and skilful plays by all participants.
6. Show appreciation for volunteer coaches, officials and administrators. Without them, your child could not participate at the club
7. Encourage your child to participate, do not force them.
8. An official report of a parent at a junior club game will result in the request that they cease coming to their children’s games for a minimum of one week (depending on magnitude of misconduct), unless a very strong case can be made to counter the charge. Other penalties may also apply depending upon the circumstances.