2024 Fees
CL1 (player) | $760.00 |
CL1 (goal keeper with own kit) | $475.00 |
CL2 (player) | $735.00 |
CL2 (goal keeper with own kit) | $470.00 |
SL1 (player) | $730.00 |
SL1 (goal keeper with own kit) | $470.00 |
SL2 (player) | $730.00 |
SL2 (goal keeper with own kit) | $470.00 |
SL3 (player) | $630.00 |
SL3 (goal keeper with own kit) | $420.00 |
Junior – U13 | $280 |
Junior – U11 | $180 |
Payment of fees
Bank Transfer
Commonwealth Bank
Account Name: Old Canberrans Hockey Club
BSB: 062-901
Account: 1000 0819
Description: Enter name and grade (if known) e.g. Jane Smith CL2
Request a payment plan if you cannot pay in full by the due date
Senior players who are unable to pay their annual fees in full by 31 March must contact the Treasurer before that date to arrange a personal payment plan to the clubs satisfaction. Similarly, junior players’ parents or guardians must contact the Treasurer before 30 April if they require personal payment plans. Please email treasurer@ochc.com.au and inform your team manager that you have requested a payment plan. Once your payment plan has been agreed upon please confirm this immediately with your team manager.
Applicants for payment plans are assessed on a case by case basis and generally in accordance with a 6-8 week payment schedule. In exceptional cases longer payment plans may be granted at the clubs discretion.
Any member whose annual fee has not been paid in full by 31 May or who is not fulfilling a payment plan approved by the Treasurer becomes ineligible to play as long as their annual fee remains unpaid. Keep in mind that the player’s annual fee includes insurance cover. Also note that the clubs constitution authorises the committee to set an administrative charge for unpaid annual fees and un-financial members are ineligible to vote at any club meeting.
Provision for reduced annual fee in case of injury or other special reasons
If a player finds during the season that they have played 8 games or less because of injury or another substantial reason, they should contact the Treasurer immediately. Arrangements for these cases are at the discretion of the committee.
Adjustment of the annual playing members fee in the following cases:
A registered OCHC junior player also registered in an OCHC senior team receives a discount on the combined total junior plus senior fees.
An OCHC goal keeper who supplies their own complete goalkeeping kit receives a discounted rate on the applicable annual fee (please see fee table above).
Transfer to or from another Australian club to OCHC
It is in the interest of any player attempting to transfer to or from another club to OCHC to ensure that they can be declared a “financial member” of their current club. Be aware that all Australian hockey clubs are required to ensure that any players they are accepting from other clubs are “financial”; that is, that they do not owe any money to the club they are leaving. Both clubs involved in a player transfer are expected to complete a transfer form for which there is a template on the Hockey ACT website.
Old Canberrans Hockey Club Incorporated Finances
The club is a non-profit association registered and operating under ACT law. Approximately eighty percent (80%) of the clubs funds are derived from annual fees and are transferred to Hockey ACT to meet the competition costs of the clubs teams in the outdoor winter and indoor summer competitions. This includes insurance cover as well as the cost of field hire for training in the outdoor season. Hockey ACT competition fees continue to rise incrementally each year. The remaining funds are practically used up by costs associated with the club’s end-of-year presentation of awards and trophies and equipment expenses (e.g. balls, training items). The club pays modest honoraria to its coaches for the Men’s and Women’s Capital League 1/ 2 training squad, but these, plus the field hire for their extra training sessions, are covered by the higher annual fees paid by members in those squads.
The committee seeks donations and sponsorships, but competition for large amounts is intense, as even Hockey ACT and other major sporting bodies can attest. The committee continues to monitor advertised grant schemes, particularly for junior development. It also does some fund-raising during the winter season, which is limited, because of the time constraints of its volunteers. The club runs on volunteer effort.
The clubs annual financial statement is audited and presented at the Annual General Meeting held shortly after the ending of its financial year on 31 October. Subsequently it is lodged at the ACT Registrar-General’s Office.