Policies and Team management
Please Familiarise yourself with the following policies and procedures for team selection, formal complaints, injury reporting and more. If you have any questions regarding any of these policy’s or procedures, please feel free to contact us
On this page you will find the following policies:
· Those responsible for selection
· Selection Process
· Players seeking Promotion
· Players who do not attend matches and fail to inform the appropriate person
· Capital League Squad Training
· Complaints and Injury reporting
Those Responsible for Selection
Capital League 1
CL1 coach has final say in the selection of CL team, based on performance in previous years, pre season fitness and training, and recommendations from past coaches and OCHC representatives.
Capital League 2
CL2 is selected by their coach in consultation with the CL1 coach and selectors. (To be selected in the top two teams players must demonstrate an ability to play or considered by selectors to have development potential to play at these levels. Training and fitness is essential if players are to be selected.)
State League 1
SL1 is selected by their Coach in consultation with CL1 and CL2 coaches and selectors, as well as the feedback given to the men’s and women’s coordinators at the end of the last season. To be considered for this team training is vital, but ability and/or development potential are key selection criteria.
State League 2 and Below
State League 2 and below are selected by the coaches and selectors, as well as the feedback given to the men’s and women’s coordinators at the end of the last season. Players Abilities and developmental potential will also be considered to ensure a fair and even balanced level across all grades.
All juniors in the club will be run through skills and drills to identify their ranking by the assessors. Game play will follow and each child will be ranked and discussions will follow with selectors, age group coordinators and interested junior coaches regarding ranking, and what grade will best suit the child in the forthcoming season.
Coach rankings from 2022 may be taken into account when player rankings are being discussed
Where children want to play purely in a social team with one or two friends, an effort will be made to accommodate that wish. Please speak to your age group coordinator, if this is your child’s preference. In any event, every player will still need to undergo a skills assessment, as organised for their age group either during the launch day or at training sessions.
Team placements will not be absolute until week 4 of the season. Until then players may be moved from team to team, depending on how they play or train. This will likely only affect a minimal number of players.
Juniors Playing Seniors
Juniors wishing to play seniors hockey will need to attend senior trials/ selections at the Launch Day, and participate in senior training sessions. Juniors will be placed into senior teams based on their skill levels, attitude, and commitment levels. Selection of junior players in senior teams will based around the number of senior players in each team, ensuring a balanced team of juniors and senior mentors. In a case where there are too many adequately skilled players for one team, positions will be given to senior players first within reason.
Selection Process
Important for ALL PLAYERS
OCHC are required to nominate teams prior to the commencement of the season. Indications of player/team numbers are required following the season launch. If you are unable to attend the launch, please indicate your interest in playing in 2023 by sending an email to the appropriate coordinator. Details found on the OCHC website.
Teams will be selected to the best of the selectors abilities, to ensure even numbers and consistent ability levels across all grades. If a player does not inform us of where they would like to trial for, they will be placed in the team with available positions, and can request to be moved later if required.
Once teams are selected it is the players’ responsibility to inform their coaches/ managers or their coordinators if they are not available.
Regardless of what team you are selected in, from round one, you are to assume that you are in that team unless told otherwise. Team selections will be emailed out to you ASAP, as well as uploaded to the website so that you can see your entire team, coaches, managers etc.
All teams are finalised before the start of the season, however please note that all teams are subject to change within the first couple of weeks.
Player Seeking Promotion
For players seeking promotion their attitude, ability, development potential and training will all be taken into account. As part of the promotion and demotion process, team coaches will play a key role.
Players who are struggling will be spoken to by their coaches and given a chance to improve.
All players must realise that the Club comes first and there may be times where team balance and development takes preference.
If you believe that you have been graded in the wrong level, please contact your coordinator and they will be able to advise you as to what you should do from there, as each individual case is different.
Players who do not attend matches and fail to inform the appropriate person
If a player fails to attend a match without informing the appropriate person there is a strong possibility that they may not be considered for selection the following week(s), or be moved within teams to allow growth and development of dedicated players. PLEASE KEEP THIS IN MIND. We consider this type of behaviour unacceptable and extremely rude to team mates and club officials.
If for any reason you have issues which your captain or coach can’t or doesn’t answer, or you have other queries, please contact your coordinator.
Finally, it is important to take into consideration the following points, which are in no particular order, but are all relevant to selection:
• ability, and game performance
• training performance
• team balance and stability
• availability of an appropriate position
• strength, fitness, and mobility
• attitude, discipline, determination, teamwork
• decision making, and ability to read the game, i.e. do you have a good “hockey brain”
• leadership and/or experience
• potential
• There is a limit on the number of juniors that can reasonably play in any team
• Has the player earned a chance or the position they have meets specific needs of the team or the club for that week
• Remember that the club is bigger than the individual
Capital League Squad Training
Please note that training and fitness for our Capital League 1 and 2 men and women is only open to players selected in this squad. The coaches may request State League 1 players to come along as they are regular fill ins, but until this happens only those who are selected in squad may attend to maintain a level of quality and consistency for all teams involved.
Complaints and Injury reporting
If you wish to put in a complaint about coaches, managers, umpires, players or any other officials, or about an event that occurred whilst you were at any of the HACT facilities, please go through your coordinator. By going through your coordinator, you are ensuring that all the correct channels are being followed with the support of the club.
Reporting an injury
If you are injured during a game or whilst on HACT grounds, it is important that a claim is put in, regardless of the severity of the injury. If it happens during a game, it is the coaches/ captains responsibility to make sure that all injuries are noted on the card, as well as entered online when putting in the team list and score.
If you believe that the injury sustained is serious, and requires medical attention, please follow the steps provided by HACT for insurance claims.
Hockey ACT in conjunction with Sports Cover Australia has arranged insurance coverage for all their affiliated Associations, Clubs, Officials, Coaches, Voluntary Workers and Players.
In respect to the Personal Accident coverage the schedule of benefits should be considered as basic and entry level. Hockey ACT encourages all players and others covered by this policy to take out private health insurance.
Individuals wishing to make a claim under the insurance policy can do so by printing off the claim form here, following the instructions obtained on the form
Social Media Policy
OCHC’s online presence is managed in line with the below policy. If you have content you would like posted to our socials or have an issue with something you’ve seen on an official OCHC account, please refer to the policy for the next steps.